Linksys Velop MX4200 Setup Instructions

Linksys Velop MX4200 Setup Instructions

Blog Article

To begin the setup of Linksys Velop MX4200, make sure the modem is first connected to the internet port on the node before powering on the node. The LED light on the node will turn solid purple once it becomes fully powered. Attach your device to the node by utilizing an ethernet port. Now, open up a web browser on your device and type in in the address bar before hitting 'Enter'. Now enter "admin" in the Username and click on 'Sign in' a pop-up will appear on that click on 'Create a new one' after that you will be taken to a page to create a new password. Just click on 'Reset Password' and enter the recovery key code which is available on the label at the bottom of your router, then press the "Submit" button. Enter new details and tap on 'Reset', and then you will be redirected to the dashboard. Now click on the CA- Connectivity - CA Router Linksys Velop MX4200 Setup, fill in the Username and Password, click on "Setup Node", and then click on "Apply". Now you will see a new Wi-Fi name, just connect to it, and your setup is complete.

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